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Concerto pour trompette n° 2 en si mineur, The Sunset Concerto

Concerto pour trompette n° 2 en si mineur, The Sunset Concerto


This two movement trumpet concerto was composed after the overwhelmingly positive response to my first. After watching the sunset outside of my window, I realized that a lot of things in my life were coming to an end. When I began composing this piece in March 2021, I was watching my friends, health, and career fade from my vision. Much like watching a sunset, I had to embrace closure and move on from what I couldn't control. As such, this piece is nicknamed, "The Sunset Concerto.


The first movement signifies the impatience and difficulty of moving on through various tempos, key signatures, and moods. It wrestles with the thought of leaving things behind and leaving people alone.


The second movement uses musical techniques that are present in one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs, "happiness". In using these techniques, a more effective form of closure is realized. It is in this movement that I found my own personal closure, and left everything I knew behind.


A reduced (trumpet and piano) version is also available.




    11 minutes, 37 secondes


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