Satan et la reine du concours
This work was written after I experienced my second round of roommate issues. After dealing with both of their unacceptable behaviors for several months, I decided that it was my turn to make a joke out of them. In this piece, I portrayed them as toxic identities in a story that puts good above evil. Satan was named for her fire-red hair and her desire to stand back and watch the situation burn, and the pageant queen was named for her use of beauty and popularity to put her at the top of a (nonexistent) pedestal.
The overall story is a dance involving the two, swirling about in an effort to make my life miserable. After a while, the dance loses energy and becomes more demented and fragile before hitting a brick wall. All of this is characterized by the ticking of the musical clock and the "breaking apart" of the music starting about halfway into the piece.
Avril 2021, Westbrook Music Hall, Lincoln, NE
5 minutes, 25 secondes