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How Sweet the Sound

How Sweet the Sound


This piece is a theme and variations on the melody of "Amazing Grace", dedicated to my marching band friend's sister who passed away from late stage cancer in April 2020. I worked in a cancer lab for most of 2020 and 2021, so I could understand her and her family's pain. I noticed that the young woman touched many lives around Nebraska in her lifetime. With the permission of her family, I created this piece to celebrate her life.


The variations of the "Amazing Grace" melody mimic the highs and the lows of life through modes and irregular time signatures. A hopeful statement of the original melody introduces the work, and its conclusion propels the work into a light, joyous iteration in an odd-metered time signature. The second variation of the melody creates a dark and somber mood, similar to one heard at a funeral. Transitioning from the second to the third variation, a trumpet choir simulates a church choir to represent heavenly redemption and a fulfilling life.


All proceeds from future performances of this work will be donated to cancer research.


    None, please contact the composer if you would like to be credited with the premiere performance.




    5 min 51 s

© Meredith Ollerich 2020-2023 Tous droits réservés. Aucune partie de ce site ne peut être reproduite, distribuée ou transmise sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, y compris la photocopie, l'enregistrement ou d'autres méthodes électroniques ou mécaniques, sans l'autorisation écrite préalable du compositeur, sauf dans le cas de brèves citations incorporées. dans les revues critiques et certaines autres utilisations non commerciales autorisées par la loi sur les droits d'auteur.

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